Owly birdman autorney at law
Owly birdman autorney at law

owly birdman autorney at law

Ergo, when a lawyer sees an ambulance blazing by, he comes to the logical conclusion that someone has been injured, and therefore, requires legal representation as someone should always be responsible for his injury. The name originates from the cultural perception that lawyers are Corrupt Corporate Executive-like opportunistic scavengers who profit from misfortune and will take on cases regardless of merit for the sake of money if they aren't working on a contingent fee arrangement, they will be more than happy to take a case with just enough factual and legal merit in order to run up a large bill if they know that the client will pay even though they know that they probably won't be able to win or settle. This trope is usually Played for Laughs, as the more corrupt the Ambulance Chaser, the more ridiculous their cases will be. Did he lose? He's going to appeal and grasp at every last straw to make it stick, and if he's a really sore loser, he may try to interfere with the livelihood of anyone who he blames for the defeat, or may publicly accuse those parties of corruption or heinous personal misconduct. If he wants to settle, he'll sue everyone with even the slightest connection to the defendant in order to drag them in and put as much pressure as possible on the main target. If he's losing, expect lots and lots of motions and requests that serve no real purpose other than to cause you to waste so much time responding to all of them that you'll gladly move to settle just to get him off your ass. He will find the right doctors, extract the right testimony, and badger the right witnesses to make sure you're compensated for whatever it was that may or may not have actually been done to you (and that he gets his cut).

owly birdman autorney at law owly birdman autorney at law

This opportunistic and morally unscrupulous lawyer can usually be found representing the plaintiff in trumped-up junk lawsuits and resorting to Unconventional Courtroom Tactics. Spill some coffee on your lap? Suspect your morbid obesity is someone else's fault? Want a Frivolous Lawsuit and want it now? The Ambulance Chaser is your man!

Owly birdman autorney at law